A book idea for a personal project, inspired by war in Ukraine. A lot of children have to deal with stress of leaving their homes, so this is an attempt to tell a story that may help a displaced child to find a footing.
Plot summary: “A little girl has fled with her mother from the war. She is now safe but every night she sees a dream in which she is returning to the abandoned town to look for her favorite doll that has been left behind in the turmoil of escape. The dream town is empty, but dangerous, as fears of its inhabitants are still living there, merged into one giant Fear. She has to return to the town in her dreams until she finds her courage and her lost friend.”
Note: this is not just any other doll. A "motanka" is a traditional Ukrainian amulet doll, believed to be a safeguard of the family.
A mockup of the inner page.

Entering the town.

Creeping Fear.

Lost and found.
