This project was completed for S.HIlton Design and the Assaranca Vodka.

This image was borrowed from Assaranca Vodka Facebook page.
The brand’s identity is closely related to the stunning waterfall in Donegal. The label features its portrait painted with ink in sumi-e style. This traditional style creates a feeling of translucent purity and calmness.

The beverage has rowan berries and gorse flowers in its recipe. Illustrations use these motives for decoration as well as for reminding of the flavor.

A branch of the gorse flowers reminds of a proverb “when the gorse is out of bloom kissing is out of fashion” that also serves as a brand’s slogan.

The waterfall’s name means “the dancing waters” (among other versions). Getting together for work and fun is one of the brand’s ideas.

Special thanks to Stuart Hilton for an exciting assignment!